
Wauquiez shipyard: 50 years of French excellence and elegance
Since then, more than 2500 yachts, built in limited production and designed by the best naval architects, have anchored their name to the history of modern yachting: Elisabethan, Pretorien, Gladiateur, Hood, Chance, Centurion, Pilot Saloon... All have been constructed under the same ambition: ‘’building for discerning sailors beautiful, seaworthy yachts, designed and built to last…”
Nowadays, Wauquiez carries on the tradition by building the whole line of yachts in a handcrafted way, in 100% owned French premises located close to Lille, in north of France.
The ‘’Pilot Saloon’’ concept: 25 years of experience
The Pilot Saloon concept - raised saloon offering view in front and above the deck, enabling steering from the inside - was launched in 1990 with the first Pilot Saloon 60, an Ed Dubois design. Have followed other models from 40’ to 55’ and today, more than 350 Wauquiez Pilot Saloon yachts are sailing on every sea and ocean. Since 2005, the Pilot Saloon line is designed by naval architect Berret-Racoupeau Yacht Design.
For more details on the Wauquiez range please contact David Beck at Sundance Marine.
www. Sundancemarine. Com. Au | 1300 55 00 89