Kevlacat 6.2 Tournament
1994 Kevlacat 6.2m Tournament Lowrance HDS 10 Lowrance HDS 9 touch screen Evinrude E-Tec ...
Wide Bay/Hervey Bay Seventeen Seventy QLD, Queensland- 20' 4"
/ 6.20m - 1994
- AU $85,000
1994 Kevlacat 6.2m Tournament Lowrance HDS 10 Lowrance HDS 9 touch screen Evinrude E-Tec ...
Wide Bay/Hervey Bay Seventeen Seventy QLD, QueenslandAbsolute battle wagon, I have owned this boat for 18 years. I do more with this boat than ...
Tweed/North Coast Tweed Heads NSW, New South Wales6.2 Kevlacat. Garmin touch screen plotter, marine radio& eprb. Suzuki 140 four stroke ...
Brisbane Chinchilla QLD, Queensland