Built for ultimate versatility with details crafted to elevate your boating experience, the 26 XO achieves a higher standard of excellence. With ample space and comfort awaiting you in the cockpit, below you will find hospitable amenities and accommodations designed to keep you and your guests refreshed and relaxed all day long.
Pricing is with Yamaha 4.3L F350: White 350 HP V6 Digital SS and the below features:
Standard Fearures Included:
- Aft Deck Vent Color: Match Hull Color
- Bootstripe Color: Match Hull Color
- Bottom Color: White
- Canvas Color: Black
- Galley Counter Tops: Strato Wind
- Hull Color: White
- Interior Color: Titanium
- Salon Sofa: Snowcap
Optional Features Included:
- Anchor Windlass - Chain & Rope
- PowerTower - White
- Stainless Steel Upgrade (includes Gas Rams & Steering Wheels)
- Underwater Lighting - Blue
- Windshield Wiper Starboard
- Toilet : Electric w/- Pump Out Fittings
- Toilet : Overboard Discharge
- 220 Volt Power Package - Australia (In Lieu of 110 V)
- Australian Certification
- Generator - Gas 220V
- Garmin 110 VHF Radio
- TV - Salon
- Air Conditioning w/ Reverse Cycle Heat 220V
- Bow Thruster
- Gas Vapour Detector
- Grey Water System
- Power Assisted Hydraulic Steering
- Power Package (Includes 30 Amp Shore Power, Battery Charger Upgrade, Outlets, Microwave, Electric Stove, and Power supplied to optional water heater)
- Dual Garmin 943 (nav)
Contact Short Marine for more information. Located at Runaway Bay Marina QLD.