Description: West Ribs Inflatable Tenders & Rib's
Come and see the largest display of new and used Rib's in Perth!
Our showroom is undercover with the largest display of rigid inflatables in Perth.
Our Brands;
Saber Boats - Elite alloy Ribs with foam collars from 6.1 - 12m. Manufactured here in Western Australia at our premises in Wangara.
West Ribs - New exciting models from 2.6 - 7m
Open 5 days a week, 8:00am to 4:00pm, Saturday morning by prior appointment only.
Please give us a call for your next new Rib or retube on
Please note this is a general advertisement for the business
*Compare with Gemini, Protector, AB, Stingray, Falcon, RIB, Highfield, Brig, Sirocco, Zodiac, Naiad
Compare Brig, Zodiac, Northstar, Naiad, Protector, Gemini, Rib, Highfield