This Custom built Chinese Lug Rigged Schooner names Hai Shi (Sea lion) is now available for sale, looking for expressions of interest this beautiful boat is a one of a kind build and with very little use presents a fantastic option to get into quite a rare vessel and special vessel at well under replacement cost.
Launched prior to completion January 2002, Construction Modified / developed from plan number 107 by L Francis Herreshoff.
As I understand these line drawings were also used to develop the Freedom 40 and the Revolution 36.
USL code partly carried out as TRADING VESSEL Passenger carrying Maxium persons 12
passengers. This was never completed, however mainly built to meet code.
Hull construction strip planked Western Red Cedar 22 X 22 mm, Epoxy Glued & edge fastened. Laminated Douglas Fir keel and stem
Hull sheathed inside and out with three layers of 751 gram M2 Triaxial E Glass set in Epoxy giving 2,253 grams M2 laminates.
Survey required ribs at 450mm centres glassed over with 3000 grams Bi axial E glass set in
Epoxy. Similar treatment to all boundary laminates
Treated Steel box section Keel (full length) with 2550 KG lead poured in by Foundry.
Interior fit out plywood Epoxy Glassed and Bulkheads over panelled with Deodar Cedar
Teak Trim all hand crafted.
Coach House Plywood, glassed over with Epoxy Fairing.
Masts Free standing in Tabernacles, Round hollow section tapered using Nobel Method of
construction E glass sheathed set in Epoxy.
Fully battened Tan sails Hong Kong made, Main sail area 34.22M2 Foresail area 16.22M2 (total 50.44 M2)
Accommodation Five Berth.
Interior comprises two saloon seating/berths, table plus a removal pipe cot berth over Stb side settee. Galley, twin sinks, Metho Stove, Portable gas single burner for cockpit use only, Glasses and crockery racks. Lee box top loading insulated, could be refrigerated (no unit supplied )
Head, toilet electric, hand basin with shower facility ( Port side), On Stb Side Full size chart table. Forward cabin comprises large double berth with seating Port and Stb.
As best cruising practice, all fresh water held in 1 O ltr containers, total of 2401trs.
Also built in water tankage for possible use under Saloon Sole approx 2001trs( NOTE not used ) Minimum electric lighting only, some solar lights oil lamp etc.
Solar vent fans to Head compartment and saloon.
Inbuilt dorade vents supply fresh air to main cabin
Standing and running rigging as sighted in current condition
Sails as sighted in current condition
Sail covers as in current condition
Batteries Lead Acid type x 2 Position for house battery ( not installed)
Engines Reconditioned Twin Volvo Diesel 2003 series 28 HP( each) Raw water cooled as sighted in current condition, Volvo three blade, counter rotating propellers shaft driven thru Duramax Shaft seal system.
Diesel fuel tanks P & S Total capacity approx. 4551trs. Note Port Engine feeds from STB tank, STB
engine feeds from Port tank ( gives ability for motor sailing if required) Both tanks deck filled with under deck gate valve isolation for security from contamination.
In addition both engines can be supplied from 18 ltr tanks in each Engine compartment with inter connection. ( currently only fuel supply used as main tanks are not being used, but are ready to fill
(Suggest when filling for first time fuel that dipstick calibration be taken and marked every 5/trs on each tank)
Ground Tackle.
1 x Marsh anchor connected to 80 mtrs 3/8 galv short link chain.
1 x Admiralty storm anchor
1 x Danforth anchor'
Muir Manual anchor winch.
Spare anchor chain length ?
Depth sounder forward position Humminbird LCR
Radio VHF IC-M200
Safety equipment
Life jackets various adult and children
Fire extinguishers
Flares to requirement inshore only
Life rings with lights x 2 units
Deck compasses x two ( Note these have not been swung or deviation cards produced) Bilge pump to each engine compartment, separate
Various deck winches to suit schooner system.
Jacob style boarding ladder.
Various fenders and belting/fender boards.
Navigation lights only partly wired as sighted.
Steering Hydraulic, Midship type Wheel.
Emergency tiller fitting on rudder shaft as sighted.
Inside observers dome, could be adapted to sheltered steering position.
Some mixed sockets and handle bar, various spanners to suit.
Mooring lines.
Bosun chair Canvas.
Safety harness x 2
Cockpit awning covers
Current condition, Due for slipping and anti foul bottom paint.
New thru hull Sea cocks for engine cooling recommend. (Fittings will be supplied)
Offered for sale as is, so prospective buyer can easily ascertain vessel condition and refit to personal requirements. **
Adelaide Boat Sales offers the information on this vessel including condition, in good faith as provided by the Owner/Vendor. While confident about the accuracy we cannot Guarantee or warrant it. All information is to be verified and checked during the purchase process, this includes inspections, sea trials and surveys.
Adelaide Boat Sales is South Australia's largest and most active Brokerage, dealing in the sale of second hand yachts and powerboats we can offer tailored solutions to assist with the sale of your vessel. Contact us today for a free no obligation appraisal and see what we can do for you.